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The Happiness Project of Eating Ice Cream

What is this Happiness Project?  Why a Happiness Project?

Happiness is very general but happiness about eating ice cream is specific.  So specific that you can’t be mad when you’re eating it.  Let’s talk about why it elicits happiness in people?

I’m setting out on a journey until September 1, 2019, to find out why people are so happy when eating ice cream.  How does it make you feel inside?  Have you given someone an ice cream cone and how did that make you feel inside?  What region of the world are you in?  Do you have a favorite recipe?  What is your favorite flavor?  Do you make homemade or prefer store bought?  What are your traditions when eating it?  Do you hand crank it or use an electric machine?

When I was a child we would eat dinner with my Grandparents on Sunday’s.  Gran loved ice cream and we would make homemade ice cream often.  His was a hand crank but it was so much fun taking our turn cranking the machine.  We sat and watched each other crank the machine and would tell stories about what was current in our lives.  Obviously then we didn’t have cell phones and no social media.  Talking to each other was important, it brings people together, even when your sad eating ice cream makes you have happy thoughts.

When I think about eating ice cream with a loved one or friend I think about being present with them.  It isn’t meant to be eaten fast, it is meant to savor the flavor.  Therefore, your relationship with the person sitting across from is the same.  Savor the flavor of the conversation and be present at the moment with them.  Give them your undivided attention.  How does that make you feel to connect to someone at that level?  Take a bite and think about that.

I hope to hear from you with your answers to my questions.  Share this project with family and friends as I truly want to hear from people all over the world as my Granddaughter and I work on a book about the Happiness Project.  Last but not least send a picture from your country eating ice cream.

1 Comment

  • Posted by Laurie 0Likes

    Back in the ’90’s, I sat next to the co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream on an airline flight. He told me that something like 95% of households in the Depression, had ice cream because people felt better when they ate it. He and his partner knew they would have a successful business with such a reliable product. He’sw the guy on the left.

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